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Make your words meaningful

Rédaction technique


Take the time to find a qualified professional to implement your projects...


Professional linguist holding a degree in technical translation and multilingual communication, I offer translation, technical writing, proofreading, terminology and DTP services of great quality. I am quick to respond and pay attention to all your needs in order to develop your project further.


If you are looking for a qualified, rigorous and creative professional able to take responsibility of your linguistic needs, feel free to contact me. Whether you want to request a quote or have more information, I will be pleased to answer your questions.


Post-scriptum services

Translation • Proofreading • Terminology • DTP

Technical writing

French - English - Spanish

Translation • Proofreading • Terminology • DTP

Technical writing

French - English - Spanish

Translation • Proofreading • Terminology • DTP

Technical writing

French - English - Spanish

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